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Leisure and Sport in SCENA and SUrroundings

Un paradiso per escursionisti sull’altopiano assolato che domina Merano

Scena e i suoi dintorni offrono un’infinità di proposte per lo sport e il tempo libero. Generosamente esposto al sole, questo territorio a monte della città termale di Merano si estende su diverse altitudini permettendo di fare belle escursioni in montagna o divertenti tour in mountain bike dalla primavera all’autunno. Lungo i sentieri non mancano le malghe e i rifugi tipici in cui fare una sosta e godersi l’aria di montagna, molti dei quali aperti anche in inverno, quando gli impianti dell’area sciistica Merano 2000 riaprono i battenti per sciatori e patiti della neve.

Adventure Kränzelhof

Amazement, discovering, regaining strength

A living museum in the medieval courtyard and a garden of 20,000 m² with a walk-in vine labyrinth await discovery, regain strength and be amazed. Get impressions of the ancient and the modern art of wine-growing, the production and the distribution of this delicious drink. At Kränzelhof in Tscherms near Meran living traditions meet the fire of modern culturalartistic activities. A place where the personal creativity within each person is revitalised and brought to flow.

Franz Graf Pfeil wanted to create a complete work of art, which would provide joy to himself and his family in the long term, and which would amaze visitors. This complete art work comprises the medieval courtyard, the labyrinth garden, which was opened in 2006, the Land Art Kunst, and the spiritual aura of the place.

Kränzelhof offers special guided tours informing about the origins and development of Kränzelhof, the garden design, and the art of wine-growing with a wine tasting to finish the experience off. The tours are organised on a weekly basis. Upon request you can book individual tours based on your expectations. Regular art exhibitions, cultural events, concerts, alternative dance and meditation contribute to the offer. Further information on www.kraenzelhof.it.

Nordic walking

Gentle body fitness. There is no better or cheaper way to keep your body fit. You just need to learn the technique and have the right equipment. Sport for young and old.

Get to know the Nature Fitness Park Schenna Hirzer Meran 2000. The 7 trails have different grades of difficulty and are all signposted. Further information is available at the reception.

More informations are available at our reception!

Leisure activities and sport

Schenna and its surrounding area is rich in offers of sports for your free time. What better way to increase your health and have fun than in the healthy Alpine air.

Tips of what you can do in your free time can be found under: www.merano-suedtirol.it

Bici a Schenna

In bici a tutte le altitudini fino ad autunno inoltrato: l’articolata rete di percorsi si estende dalle valli alle vette.

La rete di percorsi ciclistici ricopre un’area davvero vasta che va dagli splendidi giardini di Castel Trauttmansdorff a fondovalle agli itinerari ai piedi di vette solitarie.

Nelle calde giornate estive, gli appassionati di mountain bike trovano un po’ di refrigerio sui sentieri e le carreggiate nei boschi. Chi preferisce pedalare comodamente in sella ad una bici elettrica e concentrarsi sul panorama ha a disposizione la ciclabile lungo il fiume Passirio per esplorare l’omonima valle o raggiungere la città di Merano.

Schenna im Meraner Land
Südtirol Dachmarke
Booking Südtirol